Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ryane Update - 14Mo.

I realized it has been awhile since I gave you all a Ryane update. She'll be 14mo. old tomorrow and is becoming quite the smart little kid (of course!). She knows where her nose, mouth, eyes are can help poke out....I mean point at yours too. She's learning ears and belly and can remember those two off an on. She's got her vocabulary started with saying Momma, Dadda, ball, book, toc (sock), shoes, done, bye-bye (as well as blow a kiss bye), nigh-nigh, dog, cat, hi, truck, baby and other words we haven't desciphered yet. :) Ryane "thinks" she can read books and sing songs; however, they both sound very similar and VERY cute!

We took her to the Dr. about 3 weeks ago for a cold and ear infection. At that time she tipped the scales 21.5lbs. She's wearing 12mo. pants and some 18mo., but some are big around the waist that we've had to go belt shopping already. She's into 18mo. shirts as she needs the extra arm length.

I think that gives you an update. We enjoyed most of the Emporia Christmas parade last night and I'm including pictures of our snuggled up girl watching it. Ryane loved dancing and clapping along with the bands. We left before it was over as we were pretty cold. I'm also including a Thanksgiving picture. Ryane loved all the different Thanksgiving food and ate VERY well!