Sunday, June 29, 2008

Changing so fast

Grady seemed to be changing so fast. Seems like each time I look he has changed, so I have to make sure to take another picture. :) Here are a few more of him. I even think he looks different from one picture to another so it's hard for me to say exactly which picture he looks the most like.

The Howe boys catching some shut eye in the hospital.

We got Grady all dressed up and ready to go home from the hospital.

Grady really does have eyes under those closed lids! We get to see them every once in awhile. We are fighting some jaundice right now and I can see it in the whites of his eyes. Hopefully, it'll go away soon.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have been checking the BLOG daily since I visited with Matthew at the hospital cafeteria. Grady is a doll baby!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I am so happy for you. He's adorable and I can't wait to see more pictures of the kids.

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely precious! When I got the birth announcement e-mail I called James and made him give me all the details since I couldn't get to the site at work! Congratulations!!!!!!
P.S. I love the patriotic pics above!