Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where did my baby boy go?

Lately, it seems like Grady is growing up really fast. Where did my baby Grady go? I just look at him and see he is turning into a little boy now. I definitely think he acts older and is looking older. I'm sure the cute summer 'big boy' clothes help with the looking older. He is constantly on the move and is very very close to taking his first step on his own. One of his current favorite things is to be up on his head and feet. :) As if he is going to do a sommersault. I think he's been keeping a close eye on his sister's tricks. In some ways, it doesn't seem that long ago that I was still pregnant with him. Sure doesn't seem like I should be starting to plan his first birthday party already! I sure do love my little guy and can barely remember our family without him!!

Here are some snapshots I took yesterday that I think show how he is growing up.


Trudy said...

I'm finding out how fast they grow up too! And how special little guys are to their mommas! :) Love your new blog topper!

nana said...

Time sure flies! I love the pictures. The blue sure shows off his eyes. If we could only stand time still for a while. I know you're enjoying the time with them both.