Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Couple Favorite New Toys

With Christmas just behind us, Ryane received SEVERAL new toys from several family members. While Ryane is loving having all the new toy options, Matthew and I are struggling to find room for all of them and keep them organized. We rotated out some of her old toys to find the space. I'm including a couple pictures of just a couple of her new favorites.

Her new kitchen was from Grandma and Grandpa. I swear this thing came in 1,005 pieces that we had to assemble and actually follow instructions to do so as there we so many pieces. Ryane loves to pretend with it and judging from her reach, she still has some growing to do to use if fully.

Here's one of our noisey new toys that Matthew and I bought Ryane. She loves to create her own music and sometimes it doesn't sound so bad.

I'm including this "out-take" picture to give you an idea of the mood Ryane was in tonight. She was cracking me up with her silliness. It was a pleasant change from her fussy sick self we've dealt with for WAY too long. I say "Hey Ryane, look up" and I get this face!

This picture has nothing to do with her favorite toys, but this is one of Ryane's new "skills". She knows how to take her shirt off--fabulous! I'm still not sure where this skill will come in handy. I can only picture many situations where it won't be.

I realize I haven't posted for awhile, so I'm trying to get back into it. I have several pictures to catch up on including Christmas' and our Colorado vacation.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of 'naked girl'. Get used to it. :)