Monday, June 8, 2009

Ryane's 1st fishing trip

Ryane got a princess fishing pole from her Uncle Shawn for Easter. She has been practicing regularly her casting techniques in the yard so we thought it was time to head to a pond. We traveled down to my parents house/farm this past weekend. Grandpa took us all out to a pond and found the perfect spot! In no time, Ryane had caught 2 fish on her magical princess pole leaving everyone else speechless and perhaps a little jealous.... :) All in all, she reeled in 4 big fish. Such a good first trip for her. It ended up being perfect as we didn't go very long (especially for her 2 yr old attention span) and ended up bringing home 14 fish total.

Ryane's comment of the trip was when her daddy was talking about putting the fish on a stringer (as the bucket was filling up) and Ryane spoke up saying "I don't want to put them on my finger!"


Nana said...

Love the scrapbook page! Way cool! The story is cute too about the stringer/finger. Looks like alot of fun!