Saturday, September 29, 2007

Big Year

It's official - my little girl is one year old now! Doesn't seem like a year ago we were all in the hospital awaiting our little girl's arrival. It has definitely been one amazing year full of so many joys and amazing times. One of the best years of my life. We can't imagine our life without her. Ryane is growing into quite the little girl and it's fun to see her personality forming.

Today we had Ryane's big Safari Birthday party with a house full of family. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful loving family members to travel and help Ryane celebrate her big day. I'm adding a few of the many pictures from Ryane's party. She was a trooper and "oh so loved the cake and ice cream!" The birthday party really wore her out, so she went to bed early tonight. All company is gone and the house is quiet once again. Now, if someone would magically show up and clean up the kitchen! :) Oh well, I guess a mom's job is never done, right?!

1 Year Old Family

So many presents and ready to start opening.

Presents double up as chairs at times.

Yummy monkey cake.

Our Birthday Princess

Safari Guide Cousins - Where's the Birthday Girl?! :) They are around Ryane's new toybox that her Nana Howe and Great-Grandpa Max Endres made for her.


Trudy said...

oh my gosh! That's the same cake Cooper had for his 1yo Monkey party! And, he ate it the exact same way. How funny! Congratulations on making it through the first year. :) That's what the party is really for.
I'll be sending out the paper pack soon. You address hasn't changed, has it?

HeatherF said...

Wow what a fun party! Was it an emotional day for mommy? I remember Katelynn's 1st B-Day I was so sad. It seems like that day came way to fast.
Congrats and watch out now the REAL personality will start to come out :)