Friday, March 27, 2009

Grady - 9 Months Old

Life is flying by! I can't believe my little man is already 9 months old! Is he not the cutest boy EVER?! :) He is more active than ever. He pulls up on everything and is starting to furniture cruise slowly. He is also doing the cutest thing of setting back on his heals to play - so cute! Also, just today I saw him go from crawling back to the sitting position. He still only has 2 teeth. We saw one top one just about to break through last week and now it's gone. Guess the tooth felt it just wasn't time. We take Grady to the Dr. next week for his 9month checkup and we'll share stats then.

Now, I wanted to share pictures I took of the kids together. They both just got baths--hence, Ryane's hair is still pretty wet, but she INSISTED on pictures together. I should have known! I still think I got some keepers.


Nana said...

The pictures are way too cute! Your little guy is growing way too fast! He'll be walking before you know it.

Hamman Family said...

Fantastic Pictures!! Can you ask for any better or bigger smiles in the last photo? Awww siblings love!