Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He's now MORE on the move

Grady amazes me at how quickly he is hitting some milestones. I thought perhaps since he was getting faster and faster with his furniture cruising, I'd see how he did walking behind a toy. He amazed me and did it the first time. Out came the video camera to capture his 3rd trip behind it. I think he looks so little behind the toy. It's like he's that little kid that is old enough to drive, but can't quite see over the steering wheel. :)


Hamman Family said...

How Cute... and busy! Grady will be the little boy pushing his cousin Gavin in his stroller :)

Angie said...

Watch out Mommy...he will be walking before you know it. That's exactally what Nolan did...and then he was walking on his own...9 1/2 months.