Wednesday, October 22, 2008

1 photo with 2 kids

Why is getting a photo with both my kids so hard to ask for? Well, let me tell you the main two reasons - I have a 2yr old (that's probably reason enough by itself) and a baby who can't set up on his own yet! While we were at the pumpkin patch, that was one of my main picture goals - to get that cute little fall picture of the kids together with pumpkins. You all know that one I'm talking about that just makes you go "aawwww" or "how cute!" or "that is the cutest thing I've ever seen". Well, it wasn't for trying that we got these little treasures! I'm including my thoughts/conversations at the time.

Me: Ryane, let's get a picture of you and Grady by the Big Pumpkin. You can set here (pointing the ground) and hold Grady.
Ryane: No! (running away with the 'get me outta here' look)

Later, we see a nice pretty little setup for pictures. I got Ryane all setting on the bench being cute.
Me: Hey Ryane, will you hold Grady so we can take a picture?
Ryane: Nooooooo! (getting down so it's not an option)
Me: Please Ryane? I will give you raisins! (yes I am THAT bribery mom!)
Ryane: Okay

Alright kids, look at daddy for the picture!

Oh Grady, please don't cry!

No Grady, now is not a good time to start arching your back.

Ryane, please look at your dad and try not to squeeze Grady SO hard. :)

Fine, I give up. Obviously, this picture isn't going to happen! Naptime for everyone-including me (I can wish, can't I?).

It's moments like these that I realize Ryane is truly MY child with her stubborn attitude! hee hee :)


Anonymous said...

I do think it's harder to get pictures of your own kids, don't you? Still, you've got some pretty cute ones!

Anonymous said...

The cutesy ones are nice, but these are truly the ones that the memories come from! Love them!