Thursday, October 2, 2008


Out of nowhere, my son decided to roll over last night for the first time. I placed him on his tummy for tummy time and he was all looking up, so I grabbed my camera for some cute pictures. Next thing I know, he starts to tip to the side, so there I was excitedly screaming/squeeling to Matthew (who was outside), "He's going to roll over, he's going to roll, he just rolled over!" It happened that quick! Matthew and Ryane rushed in and we got the video camera out for Matthew to get it on video. I put Grady back on his tummy. No sooner than I let go he rolled again....before his dad could even get the camera on. is his 3rd and final roll of the night. He was pretty worn out! :)


Anonymous said...

Now he can play steamroller with the rest of the family! :)

Great memory you captured!