Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Grady - 5 Months Old

Look who is sitting up in time for his 5 month birthday!! Today is my little man's big day! We have been working with Grady on getting him to set up and yesterday he decided he was ready to go solo. I'm so proud of him. Once again, Grady has been busy doing new things. He now plays laying on his tummy reaching out for things and scooting himself in a circle. He has moved onto eating more food. So far, he's had banana, avacado and squash along with his usual cereal. His motor skills with his hands and arms are well developed. He can grab for what he sees in front of him perfectly. He even has that darn strong pincher grip down when it comes to grabbing/pinching my neck and trying to eat (alright, maybe kiss) my face. Love the little guy, but he can be pretty aggressive. So, if you see some WT hickies on my neck - those are from Grady's pinches. ouchy! Oh, and the drool is starting to just fall out of his mouth onto whomever or whatever is around. :)

These are Grady's 5mo. pictures we took last night. I think this first one shows Grady the best. With that ornery grin and his head slightly tipped down, so he's looking up at you. We joke that he likes to look at people through his eyebrows rather than lift up his head. Silly boy!


Anonymous said...

Sooooo cute! And look at him sitting up!

Hamman Family said...

Absolutely Gorgeous!! Look at those smiles of him all proud sitting up! I am so lucky I get to play with him & his sister in a few days!!!! Yay!