Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sick 1, sick 2, sick 3

Ryane's Dr. Suess' Cat in the Hat book with Thing 1 and Thing 2 makes me think of our home lately with Sick 1, Sick 2, and Sick 3. Ryane, Grady, and I have all three been sick with a cold. It started out with Ryane, then she shared it oh so kindly with Grady and I. This is Grady's first cold and it makes me sad to know he can't breathe that great and has a little cough. I am definitely not his friend when it comes to using the trusty blue nose sucker. Thankfully, Ryane is a good nose-blower.....well, since we have to do that every 5-10 minutes. A couple mornings ago she wakes me up at 5:45am yelling from her room "Tissue mommy, tissue". Poor girl! :(

I know it's that time of year and cold season is upon us, but I'm ready for spring already! Each time I start to think the kids have turned the corner and are getting better, they wake up the next morning all congested and coughing. Hopefully, everyone will have time to get better before all the Thanksgiving traveling.


Anonymous said...

We are right there with you. I feel like we have a room on reserve at the doctor's office. Hang in there!