Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ryane has pets...

These are the perfect pets - they don't need house trained, you don't have to feed or water them, they don't shed, they always mind, perfect!

Ryane really loves playing with her play doh. These little containers are one of the best things she got while trick or treating. I made a kitty cat one time for Ryane, so that is all she asks for now. I can only make so many cats, so I've branched out and made horses and dogs as well. I need to think of more things for her, but my creativeness is gone when it comes to animals to shape and mold. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

What about a butterfly, dinosaur, catapiller, spider, or bird. It looks like she is having a lot of fun with her friends!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm not much help--other than the occassional catepillar, the only thing Cody wants me to make is hay bales that he can stack with a tractor. Both round and square, of course. He makes pretend food sometimes, but usually the play dough has to have some farming purpose.

Anonymous said...

I'm really good at snakes. :) Just get a bunch of cookie cutters and let her go to town. Of course, then you get to have the vaccuming lesson afterwards.

Hamman Family said...

I'm very impressed with your cat & dog!! I don't have that talent :)