Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Day care called me yesterday around lunch saying Grady had just been crying a lot during the morning and was crying if he wasn’t held. She called just to see if I thought he was sick and to see if he’d had a fever over the weekend. So, I dropped by to comfort and love on him. He was definitely not himself, so I made a Dr. appointment after lunch to rule out an ear infection or whatever. The official diagnosis from Dr. Schmid......Grady has Christmasitis!! Thankfully, it didn’t appear to be anything more. Guess he got too much holding and loving over the holidays. We had a pretty crazy schedule too, so I'm sure that didn't help him out much.

Since we had an appointment, I asked to go ahead and do his 6 month well child checkup (already scheduled for next week). He weighs in at 17lbs 6oz (50% exactly) and 26.75” (65%). Dr. says he looks to be doing well. Grady was in a perfect mood and was just tearing through the paper that covered the exam table. He didn't even open his Christmas presents that well, but I guess he got the paper tearing figured out. He got a couple shots before we left. He was smiling away at the nurse prior to being poked. I wonder if that made her feel even more guilty giving the shot?

I think Grady's Christmasitis is clearing up. Of course he was "just fine" after I made the Dr. appointment---little faker! Isn't that the way it goes sometimes?!


Anonymous said...

Too funny. I'm glad he wasn't really sick. Cody went to daycare Monday and had a bit of Christmasitis himself! Although when you think about it, who wouldn't?? :)