Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Worst mom ever

I could so title a lot of blog entries like this! :) I had to pick up Ryane from day care yesterday with a fever. After battling the fever for several hours, I took Ryane to the Dr. today to make sure it wasn't something more serious going on rather than something viral. Sure enough, I find out she had a double ear infection. I had NO idea. Bad mom!! It's times like this that I feel that I don't have a clue what I'm doing as a mom. My poor kids being stuck with me to be responsible for them! But, we got the prescription and off to Wal-Mart we went. I just love Wal-Mart and now I super love their $4 prescription program. I filled prescriptions for both of us for a whopping $8! Now, when can we get those doctors to go to $4 routine visits?!?!


Anonymous said...

oooooooo......just wait! :) We had a $100 ER trip with $300 xrays only to realize he was gnawing on a necklace. Sorry. I get the title of Worst Mom of the Year 2008!

Hang in there! As I've found, the nice thing about ear infections is that sometimes they heal themselves. (speaking from experience)

Anonymous said...

That's ok. My sister took her little one to the doctor cause he would constantly bang his head on the floor/furniture/etc. He always had a bruised forehead and she thought it was just a faze. She finally took him to the doctor and Dr. Sharma was ready to agree with her UNTIL he looked in his ears. Devin had a really bad double ear infection without ever having a temperature. :)

Anonymous said...

We've had 3 ear infections in 7 weeks. I had to pick him up Monday about an hour after I dropped him at daycare because he had a fever. Never has Cody complained about his ears hurting. Why so many? Probably, the doctor says, because his mother stopped his allergy medicine without checking with the doctor first. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope all are feeling better! Sorry to hear she had the ear infection. People always said a sign was them tugging at their ears, mine never did, they ran the fever. I'm sure you're on the mend now.