Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ryane and I put our Christmas tree together last week with the lights. Then, on Sunday, we enjoyed decorating it together. It was kinda tough going through the decorations and only getting out the non-breakable ones (learned my lesson after she broke her first one). I'm excited our tree is decorated a little different....a little bottom heavy with the ornaments as I think Ryane hang most of hers at the same level. Oh, and she was a fan of clustering her ornaments. Who knew a branch could support 4 ornaments at a time?! :) It is tough not going back to redo her decorating, but I won't. If I did, I'm 99% sure Ryane would notice and put them back anyhow.

New decorating technique - clustering!

I asked her to point to her favorite ornament. It's her Baby's 1st Christmas ornament with animals surrounding a picture frame. She tells me it's Grady in the picture. I'm still trying to convince her it is Baby Ryane. (yes, she HAD to wear her hat and scarf and put it on herself. Also, yesterday she HAD to wear her pink cowboy boots to daycare with this jogging outfit. Some fights aren't worth fighting.)