Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day back

Today was Grady's first day to day care as I had to go back to work. (boooooo!!) It's the day that no mom really wants to go through. I did good getting the kids around to take to day care. Got there and gave Kathy some instructions on Grady's eating schedule and such, gave Ryane her kisses good-bye, went to pick up Grady to talk to him a bit. That is when it all went down hill! I think I may have gotten a couple words out to him as he was smiling away at me, then I had to go put him down and make myself walk out before he was drenched in my tears. :( It was a long drive to work as I got my emotions out then composed myself before walking in. WHY can't I just get paid as well to just be a stay-at-home mom????

I went by 3 hours later to check on Grady and Ryane. Ryane was having fun with the other girls and Grady needed his mommy of course! Overall, the report from Kathy for the day was good though. Grady did manage to get some naps in and eat alright. She said Ryane was pretty oblivious to Grady being there. I guess the newness has worn off to her and she's forgetting about him already! ha!

Thanks to everyone for your emails and such checking on me on my first day back. It was tough. For some odd reason, I didn't think leaving the second child would be as bad as I've 'been there, done that' before. It was JUST as tough as the first time.


Anonymous said...

I'm finding things are harder with the boy....he's your little man. It's going to be tough when he goes to Kindergarten! And, then gets married! And then....

oh my....I need to stop. :)

Glad your first day back went well. Just be thankful that you have a safe and fun place for him to be. Have a good adjustment back to work!

Anonymous said...

How is your first week at work going? I hope you are adjusting to not being around the kiddos all day long! It had to be hard, but now you can have some adult interaction! Good Luck!