Thursday, October 4, 2007

Decades gone by

Yesterday was a GOOD day. It was my birthday and I reached a new milestone--I turned the big 30! It's amazing how young 30 can feel. :) I spent the day at work and a nice evening with my family. Matthew and Ryane took me out to eat, then we had a relaxing evening at home. I'm officially 3 decades old and hopefully wiser for it.

On a Ryane note, Ryane wore her new cute Halloween PJs tonight (thanks Aunt Sherry and Uncle Lou). There's something about a little one in footsie pajamas. It makes me want to snuggle with her. However, Ryane is one and doesn't have time to snuggle with her mom--she's too busy playing with all her new birthday toys and perfecting her new found walking skills. I didn't get any snuggling from her last night, but I managed to sneak in some this morning before we got up and around for the day. I think I could snuggle with her for hours if she'd just let me.

I've added another link for Ryane's most current month of pictures. the left..