Sunday, September 7, 2008


Just sharing a couple of recent scrapbook pages with you.

I wouldn't be an ordinary mom if I didn't take bathtime pictures of my baby! Grady tends to enjoy his baths, but gives us the big look of surprise when his bare bum first hits the water. :) We have always included Ryane in Grady's baths from the very first sponge bath we gave him after bringing him home. She has moved into more of an observer than a participant like she used to be. Don't get me wrong, we still have to beg her for the washcloth back now and then.
page credits: free download kit from and the font is chiller

We attended ESU's first football game a couple weekends ago. It was a Saturday night game. Ryane was really into the game this year and lots more fun. She enjoyed watching the football, guys running, and doing some of the cheers with the cheerleaders. We tell her to say "Go Hornets!!" and it always comes out "Go Cornets!!" She knows who Corky is, so I'm not sure where the C comes from, but we've tried and tried to help her in her pronunciation, but she insists on saying "Cornets". Grady may have had his eyes open for a little bit of the game, but overall, he slept through most of his first ESU football game.


Anonymous said...

Your scrapbook pages are great! I'm glad you shared them. I'll need to make Ryane a cheerleading outfit for sure!