Friday, September 26, 2008

Grady - 3 Months Old

Seems like a lot longer than 3 months since Grady has been in our family. He is such a blessing! He has changed so much over the last month. He no longer has colic in the late evenings and is the sweetest, smiliest baby. He enjoys "talking" to us in the evenings. Actually, he is probably just playing with all the slobber in his throat, but I'll take it as talking. :) Grady is also a big bubble blower. It's not uncommon to look at him and he'll have about 1000 bubbles setting on his mouth. He's just pretty darn cute!


Anonymous said...

are those dimples I see? what a cutie!!!
love BSHC

Anonymous said...

You aren't just kidding about him being cute. What a dollbaby!

Anonymous said...

Cute! He's chaning so much! Enjoy seeing the pictures! Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs & Kisses to Grady and Ryane!

Hamman Family said...

Gorgeous Happy little Guy!! Look at those beautiful baby eyes... going to be hard to say No to as he grows! Loving his Bubbles :)

Anonymous said...

Those eyes!! He's goregous.