Friday, July 18, 2008

3 weeks old

Grady was officially 3 weeks old yesterday. Time has flown by. I only wish it actually felt like I've been off work and had 3 weeks worth of time with my kids, but it doesn't. Grady is doing great - seems to be growing, growing, growing to me. Matthew thinks his face has really filled out and I agree. I definitely couldn't imagine him fitting in my belly now - yikes! He is eating and sleeping like a normal 3 week old I think. We have his one month Dr. appointment scheduled for next Friday to see how much he has grown.

Personally, I am still feeling sleep deprived and I look for that to go away in about 18 years. :~) Sleeping has been getting better and I'm starting to feel like I've got my body back. My baby belly is primarily gone, still left with those ca-ute love handles/muffin top. I did manage to fit into some regular jeans last weekend, which was the first and only time I've tried. I managed to weigh myself a couple days ago and I am slightly over 10lbs over pre-pregnancy weight, so I feel good about that--especially since I haven't done anything about it and don't plan to anytime soon. I'm healing great from my tubal - scar looks practically non-existent, bruising almost gone and my only visible stitch is almost dissolved completely. I'm returning to a "normal" person, well, normal for me anyhow!