Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Newborn Pictures

Just thought I'd share a few of my favorites from Grady's newborn photo shoot yesterday.

Link to the remaining pictures: Grady's 1.5week pictures


Anonymous said...

He's SO cute....wait until he flashes those eyes at you while pinching his sister! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I'm glad I accidentally hit your link instead of what I was going to select. I got to see some cute pictures of a cute little boy! Thank you!

Hamman Family said...

Gorgeous! Grady's such a Beautiful Boy and has terrific pictures!! I enjoy all his pictures- they're so good Mommy! I am still giggling at Ryane's baby oil story!! How will she top that one next time :) Wished we lived closer!

Anonymous said...

AWWW! I love, love, love the baseball glove pictures! Love the baby oil story, too. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to get it out. Surely (after Ryane goes to bed :) you can find a solution online???

Anonymous said...

The ball glove and baseball picture has to be the neatest thing I have ever seen. You are so talented. But then again, you had an unbelievably adorable model to work with.