Monday, July 14, 2008

Cloth Diapering and Potty Training

Two common questions we get is 'How is cloth diapering going?' for Grady and 'How is potty training going?' for Ryane, so I thought I would share our victories and challenges.

Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering is oh so easy and I really like it. I love the feeling of being able to put a fresh clean cloth diaper on his bottom. The diaper covers work awesome as long as we make sure we have all the cloth diaper tucked in. If that is all done, we have had zero leaks. I definitely can't say the same for the disposable diapers. We wore a disposable to church and out to eat over the weekend and sure enough, it leaked. All I could think was....this wouldn't have happened in cloth. I think I'm becoming a cloth diaper snob! One con to it is that it does increase the laundry load and I'm not one to like doing laundry. But, they are so easy to wash and really don't require any extra work. We take the diaper off, throw it right into the diaper pail, dump it into the washer, run a quick rinse cycle, then wash them normally and voila..all clean and sparkly!! Much easier than I anticipated. I am happy to report for our earth that we have only used one pack of newborn diapers plus about 1/4 of another pack and the rest has been using cloth.

Potty Training
Ryane does so good with her potty training. I love that I'm home with her and help her in her training process. I will say we are still training and haven't moved to the train'ed' part. Not sure when we should consider her trained. For now, it is mostly me telling her to go potty rather than her verbally telling us it is time. Not sure if we just don't give her time to say it, but I really don't want accidents to clean up. She goes most days without accidents, but we still have them from time to time. My goal of not having 2 kids in diapers at the same time worked out nicely. I can't imagine Ryane wearing diapers right now. She seems like such a big girl to me.


Anonymous said...

Grady's smile is SO Cute! Yes, keep that in mind when you think you can't possibly drag yourself out of bed after your 20 minute "nap".

Way to go on the potty training. I don't honestly think I could do it with a newborn.

Looks like you're gonna be one of those Moms of the Year! :)

Hamman Family said...

Ryane is so amazing b/c her mommy & daddy loves and works with her so much!! Thanks for trying out all the cloth diapering and enjoying it. You have me talked into trying it in a few months and I'll have questions :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the cloth diapers are working out for you. It's one small step for others to follow.
Dad said Grady smiled when they were up there. I hope he saw one like the one in the picture. So cute! Glad to hear Ryane is doing well with her training too. You may feel like you're the one in training, but you're not.