Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Could they pass as siblings?

I go back and forth as to how much Grady resembles Ryane when she was a newborn. What better way to compare than to take similar pictures. Here is a direct comparison of them - Ryane is on the left and is 3 days old in the picture. I took Grady's picture on the right tonight at 13 days old. I can see the similarities (especially chins and noses), but I can also see differences--Ryane has Matthew's lips and Grady has mine. Same or different - I think they are the two most beautiful children in the world!!! Those 9 months of carrying them gives me full permission to declare that.


Anonymous said...

Love the comparison photos. I haven't taken the time to go and pull out a baby picture of Ryane to see what if any differances. Give them both a hug an kiss from Nana! They are beautiful!