Wednesday, July 2, 2008

She Loves her Barney!!!

I learned on vacation that Ryane LOVES know, that big purple dinosaur guy. She must have watched it at day care, but I had NO idea how excited she was until she heard it come on the TV while we were in the hotel room. I woke her up today from her nap so she would be able to catch "her show" and made sure I had the camera ready to catch her excitement so I could share it with everyone. Could you imagine if we all reacted like this when our favorite show came on?


Anonymous said...

Love it! Ryane was so much fun to watch. I think Grady was kicking to the music too!

Anonymous said...

You mean, you don't act like that?? ;)

Hamman Family said...

She is so funny!! Go BAWNEY! Now I want to bring her all of our old Barney books & we have 1 video for her :)

Anonymous said...

Well said.